Master Personal Character — Lead with Authenticity, Build Respect
What if your values became your strongest leadership asset? Personal character is the backbone of leadership and trust. This course helps you refine integrity, reflect on your actions, and build a grounded, honest approach to leadership. Inspire trust, respect, and loyalty in every interaction. Leadership starts with you. Step forward today.
Let’s Get Smart and Sharp!
Aims of the course
- to examine your character in terms of just, fair and truthful behaviour towards others
- to promote the need for loyalty towards your organisation and colleagues
- to highlight the importance of dependability, reliability, faithfulness and confidentiality
- to demonstrate the need for patient endurance towards colleagues and circumstances
- to establish an awareness of the need to do good for others and act with generosity
- to examine your capacity to remain firmly dedicated to your purpose
- to explore your emotional security in terms of responsibilities and accountabilities
- to develop and implement action plans for improvement
Objectives of the course
At the conclusion of the course you will be able to:
- assess eight key aspects of personal character
- determine areas for improvement
- examine your behaviour towards team members
- understand how you are perceived by others
- improve your working relationships
- heighten your awareness of the need for integrity
- improve your feeling of self-worth and confidence
- manage information flow
Introduction to Personal Character
Tutorial 1: Honesty
Tutorial 2: Trust
Tutorial 3: Tolerance
Tutorial 4: Kindness
Tutorial 5: Respect
Tutorial 6: Resilience
Tutorial 7: Emotional security
Tutorial 8: Loyalty
Study time
As a guide, the course could take up to one hour per tutorial to complete. However, this time may vary considerably depending on several factors; the time allocated to work based objectives and review, individual learning styles, differing levels of ability in the subject area and so on. The overall objective is not how quickly the course can be completed but how well the individual acquires the new knowledge and applies this in their work to improve their performance.
Skill cluster for this course
The interaction between skill courses have been grouped into clusters. This assists you with further development in related skills.
To purchase skill cluster, please email: